Plastic Button Caps For Square Top (10-pack) – 8mm Diameter


Plastic Button Caps For Square Top (10-pack) – 8mm Diameter COD: AF-4228

COD: AF-4228 Categorie: ,



These Reese’s Piece’s lookin’ bits fit perfectly on top of tactile buttons with 2.4mm square tops and give a satisfying 8mm diameter surface area for your fingers to press.

You get 10 candy-colored round caps. You get two of each color: red, yellow, white, gray, and Adafruit black. Snap these onto a tactile switch body (not included) to customize your PyGamer, or anything else with 2.4mm-square-top tactile switches.


Technical Details

  • Single button cap dimensions: 8mm diameter x 3mm tall
  • Tactile button tutorial