We’ve got to hand it to the Pi Foundation – adding a camera port and built-in WiFi to the already awesome Pi Zero was a brilliant move. Now you can add one of the awesome Raspberry Pi cameras to your Pi Zero W to make a super low-cost, functional camera.
This version includes the 8 MegaPixel Pi NoIR Camera. If you’re looking for the pack with a normal 8 Megapixel camera, click here!
Note: Due to popular demand, there might be some delay in shipping products containing Pi Zero W!
This pack provides everything to get your Raspberry Pi Zero camera up and running. We’ve included a:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- 8 Megapixel Pi NoIR Camera Board
- Pi Foundation Official Pi Zero Case + Mini Camera Cable
Note: The Pi Zero mini camera cable comes packaged inside of the Pi Zero case.
Technical Details