Reinvented Magazine – Issue 2: LADIES WHO HACK


Reinvented Magazine – Issue 2: LADIES WHO HACK COD: AF-4495

COD: AF-4495 Categorie: ,



Reinvented Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that aspires to break barriers and aid the movement to get more girls involved in STEM by creating the nation’s first print magazine for women in STEM. They have a single mission in mind: to reinvent the general perception of women in STEM fields while inspiring interest in STEM for young women nationwide.

Their second issue, LADIES WHO HACK, features our Ladyada on the cover! This magazine is full of brilliant, inspiring women of all ages, and their stories need to be shared. 

From one interview covering nineteen-year-old Reeny Botros and Catwalk Coding, a small camp of 25 girls in Wichita, KS that grew to a global scale expanding enrollment to girls in Mexico and Tanzania: 

“Making a difference in these girls’ lives is really inspiring to me. When I was growing up, I didn’t have a lot of role models who were women in STEM, because they’re so scarce. To be that role model for them means a lot to me.”

This magazine is a joy to flip through, and we look forward to more representation and more women in STEM featured in big, gorgeous, glossy editorial covers.

Table of Contents:

  • Accessibility in Tech
  • First All-Female Spacewalk
  • Everyday Changemakers
  • Advice Column
  • Limor Fried
  • Females in FIRST Robotics
  • DIY Paper Circuits Cards

You can subscribe to print for all of 2020, or subscribe to digital. 

Technical Details

  • Magazine dimensions: 11″ x 8.4″ / 280mm x 215mm